Supporting our students to achieve their academic, professional, and rodeo goals while promoting our outstanding University is at the forefront of our mission.

By providing resources, mentorship, and a community of fellow Aggies, we ensure that our students have the tools they need to excel both in the classroom and in the rodeo arena. Our commitment extends beyond individual achievement; it is about fostering a culture of excellence that reflects our University’s values.

Important Contacts & Calendar of Events:

Coach Roger Hanagriff: email / Cell - (936)-661-4163.

Team President Josie McMahon - email Team Secretary Allie Frey - email

Pitch In Today:
Invest in the new Texas Aggie Rodeo

Texas Aggie Rodeo is now designated a competitive team within the Department of Animal Science and we’re launching a $1 million capital campaign through the new Dr. Al Wagner ’69 Rodeo Coach Endowment Fund in an effort to support our first ever full-time rodeo coach.

Donors who wish to invest substantially in our program moving forward should click Invest in Texas Aggie Rodeo in order to speak with our team directly. Thank You!

Pitch In Offline: Print and mail your pledge card today

We’re excited that alumni have already begun to respond to our capital campaign with $150,000 pledged to date.

Our current volunteer rodeo coach, Dr. Al Wagner, has worked tirelessly with the Texas Aggie Rodeo Alumni Board and Texas A&M to create a joint-vision for the future that includes not only a full-time rodeo coach, but eventually additional funds will be raised for a full-time home for team members to practice and stall their horses.

“I give to Texas Aggie Rodeo because it gave so much to me, and I want to pay it forward to the next generation of Aggies!”

—Bret R.

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It’s free. There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.